Iphone has made waves every time its launched and so pre launch rumours are never less. In 2009 it was heard that iphone is going to be in both GSM and CDMA, a global phone. But that time analysts believed that Qualcomm’s dual-carrier chip will be available only by 2011. It is now the time and hence the expectations are high. Its defenitly expected to be a global phone this time.
According to a recent report, an app developer, who preferred not to give up the name of the app or his name, has proof that iPhone 5 will be a dual-mode world phone. The proof that was sent to one of the reporters consists of a few application usage logs, which show that recently several people were testing the app using a single, new Apple gadget that certainly is a GSM-CDMA phone. The logs also show that the device that was used to register for the app was running on Apple’s upcoming iOS 5, and it used the 2 individual codes that identifying mobile networks: MNC (mobile network codes) and MCC (mobile county codes). MNC/MCC codes are the unique codes for Verizon and AT&T networks.
If indeed these recent statements are true, then iPhone 5 will be Apple’s first phone to support both GSM and CDMA. All iPhones were only GSM phones until February of 2011, when Apple released the iPhone 4 CDMA for Verizon. It is also believed that Apple will make the iPhone 4 available on Sprint this October. Sprint uses the same CDMA technology as Verizon.
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