Many of the upcoming smartphones from Nokia is expected to have the wireless charging feature. Nokia has already announced it among the features of Lumia 920, that will be launched in November 2012. Samsung lovers will be looking forward to have the technology in their hands. Here is the technique for making wireless charging possible in Samsung Galaxy Note 2, the latest pin up.
The method is suggested by Ryan_G, and in the tutorial he says the method is cheap and costs only £10 (around $16). Developer claims to have the technique working.
- Palm Touchstone
- Palm Pre Touchstone case
- Heat Shrink
- Electrical Tape
- Speaker Wire or any other thin multi-core wire
- Take the induction coil out of the Palm Pre case
- Place the coil in the center of the Note battery case and then place the silver sticker over the coil as it was on the Palm Pre
- Check where the charging pins on the note meets with the case and mark it with a pen to indicate where the wires would have to be.
- Cut two speaker cables to length and strip the insulation off leaving the wire itself and then place heat shrink over them and heat them up
- Solder the wires to the charging circuit positive and negative and line it up in the case with electrical tape.
- Place the cover over the Palm Touchstone dock and check the voltage from the wires with a meter to check everything is working and the polarity is correct.
- Place it back on the phone and you'll wireless charging.
Developer : Ryan_G
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