
Top 10 Android Applications In Android Market

If you have got a Android based phone recently, you might want to start installing new apps on it to get the best out of it. The only reason why Android OS has been able to compete with Apple’s iOS  is because of the Android Market. The Android market features more than 75000 applications and games.

Some of these applications just take your Android phone to the next level and are very useful too. If you haven’t got an Android phone yet take a look at some of the Best Android Phones in the Market right now and then check out our list of Top 10 Applications for Android based phones. You can find all the apps below in the Android Market place by searching using the application name.

#10 Fring: Fring is the best multi-IM client I have used on Android so far. Nimbuzz comes in a close second, but the application was not working properly when I tried to start it the second time around. Fring supports most of the major IM protocol like Yahoo, Google Talk, and AIM. The only IM protocol which Fring does not support is Facebook Chat. The application has a greenish theme, and also displays your phone book contact with your IM contacts. Fring also allows users to make video calls via 3G or Wi-Fi to fellow Fring users. The only downside is that it displays ads and there is no paid version of the application available to remove them.

#9 WaveSecure: Scared of losing your high-end Android phone? Use WaveSecure then! I don’t think this application needs any introduction. WaveSecure is the best multi-platform security application for your phone. The application allows you to lock your phone down, remotely wipe the data in the event of a theft. The application allows you to backup and restore your contacts and SMS, and also helps you track down your phone location in case you lose it.

# 8 Endomondo: Endomondo is a sports tracking application for Android. The application is available for many other mobile operating systems like Symbian. The application supports quite a few ‘rare’ sports like Skating, Skiing, Snowboarding, along with the usual running and walking. DroidFit may be a better alternative to Endomondo for some users, but the latter has a nice UI which is very important. The best part about the application is that it allows you to track your workout online as well. Pretty handy I say! The application can be downloaded for free from the Android market.

#7 AppBrain: AppBrain allows you to remotely install applications on your Android phone. Users can browse the applications at Appbrain.com and remotely install them. The site also shows the users a list of most popular apps and the recommended applications. The site also allows users to share their applications among their friends and view what applications they have installed on their phone.

#6 Barcode Scanner: Read about an awesome application somewhere on the internet? In all probability, the application review must be accompanied with a QR code as well. The Barcode Scanner application uses the camera of your phone to decode the information hidden inside the QR code. Barcode Scanner is available for free at the Android Market.

#5 Rockplayer: It is a very well-known fact that nearly all the Android phones fall flat on their face when it comes to video playback. They don’t support most of the popular codes like Xvid/DivX. This is where Rockplayer comes to the rescue. The application was recently released in the Android Market and it supports a plethora of video codes. The supported video codec format list includes MKV, Xvid, DivX, and RMVB. The minimum Android OS version required is 1.6. A free as well as a paid version of the application is available at the Android Market.

#4 Swype: I don’t think Swype needs any introduction to any Android user. Swype is hands down the best keyboard available for any Android phone out there. Using the Swype keyboard, users need to glide or swipe their hands across letters of the word they want to write. The rest of the work will be done by the smart algorithm of Swype. The prediction of Swype is quite precise as well. Swype comes pre-installed in many popular phones like the Droid X and the Galaxy S.

#3 Astro File Manager: This has to be the best file manager I have ever used in any mobile OS. Astro file manager can open ZIP and RAR files without any additional plugins. Along with this, the application also allows users to backup and restore their applications. Recently, the free version of Astro File manager was updated to include ads. However, there is an alternative paid version available for download as well.
#2 Advanced Task Manager: Most of the Android phones have around 250 to 512MB of RAM. Most of the time, this is more than enough. However, if a lot of applications are running in the background then the amount of free RAM depletes pretty quickly. This not only decreases the performance of the phone, but also kills the battery life. This is where Advanced Task Manager comes in. As the name suggests, Advanced Task Killer is well – task killer! There are two versions of the Advanced Task Killer available at the Android market place – a free version and a paid version. The free version has ads, while the paid version is ad free.

#1 Launcher Pro: This is a must have software for every Android phone owner. Launcher Pro replaces the default Android launcher, with a much more visually appealing launcher.  The software also works in Landscape mode,  which the default Android home screen does not. Along with the home screen, the application replaces the Menu of the phone with a ‘3D Drawer’, and it looks stunning.  Users can also set the number of home screens, as well as the theme of the dock. The software works like a charm, and is not a resource hogger. Launcher Pro is available for free at the Android Market. A paid version of the application recently hit the Android market as well. The ‘Plus’ version includes the different HTC styled widgets.

These are just some of the few apps in the Android Market which makes it a pleasure to use the phone. You might have your own favorites to share, tell us about them through your comments.


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