
How to install AngryBirds App into your Blackberry Playbook using DDPB installer

I have a good news for everyone waiting for AngryBirds on PlayBook, i will show you how to install the app in few simple steps.

Set your playbook in development mode :
Goto Playbook settings > Scroll down and select "Security" > Select "Development Mode" and turn it on, You will be asked to enter a password, make sure you remember this password (Very Important)

You will see the developer mode icon next to the orientation lock icon just below the top bezel. Select the icon which looks like a person, and make a note of your Playbook's IP address.

STEP 2 :
Download Angrybirds app to your computer (Download the file to your Desktop this helps us find the file easily).Angry-Birds.bar

STEP 3 :
Make sure that you have Java Run-Time Environment Installed in your computer, If you already have it installed please skip this step. Most computers have this pre-installed.
If you don't have JRE installed Download Java Run Time

STEP 4 :
Download and install DDPB (Dau Den PlayBook Installer) this software helps us to install the Angry Birds app from the Computer to your Playbook. Download DDPB Installer

Once DDPB is downloaded install the software and launch it.

Connect your Playbook to your computer using the USB cable or Wi-Fi, When DDPB is open it will ask you for the PlayBook IP address and Password Enter those information.
Then use the ADD option find angrybirds.bar file select it and then click install. Once the installation is complete you can disconnect your PB from the computer and also exit the developer mode.

You will find the Angry Bird Icon in PlayBook main menu, Click to launch the game. Enjoy.


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